Photo: Damon Blank, Mert Boyali, Taj DeMontis, Santosousso.

rainbow energy

Rainbow Energy was formed in 2020 by Damon Blank who performs with the stage name 'Mr. Energy' who is a highly charismatic and infectiously energetic individual who spreads this joy with everyone around him. Damon performs with Taj DeMontis also known by his stage name 'Mr. Nature' who loves the outdoors and eating healthy, and Mert Boyali who performs as 'Mr. Blues' who adores blues music and has an obsession with the ocean and sky. They each share the similar passion with music and performance, and spread this with young people. They use complex harmonies and catchy songs to teach children about music, rhythm and all important subject that matter to them e.g. healthy eating and emotions.

Performing at:

Celebrate Gungahlin Sports and Wellbeing Expo.


Saturday 8th October, Gungahlin Enclosed Oval.